With the goal to improve overall public health and reduce cases of obesity and related health problems, American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery or ASMBS, is established. This is the largest and most prominent organization for bariatric surgery and post-surgery maintenance. Founded in 1983 by a group of surgeons, ASMBS continues to research and develop programs that can provide support for patients and doctors alike.

The organization’s main focus is to improve overall public health by reducing obesity and obesity-related health problems. ASMBS continues to develop the best medical procedures that may help patients manage their life easier. They also offer educational programs for doctors and health professionals so they can provide effective solutions to these health problems.

ASMBS also helps patients have a healthier and more comfortable life through support services such as nutritional guidelines. Through their effort, treatment and care for people who suffer from obesity-related health problems are improved.

Leading Organization for Obesity-Related Diseases

According to World Health Organization, the top two causes of death in the world are ischaemic heart disease and stroke. Both of these can be linked to obesity. Obese patients have higher risks of developing cardiovascular diseases and other health problems. Diabetes is also included in the top 10 causes of death in the world.

In order to improve overall health of the public and reduce cases of obesity, ASMBS provides support for both patients and surgeons. The organization also encourages medical professionals to continue researching and discovering new procedures that may help improve bariatric surgeries.

Other than improving the procedures for weight loss surgeries, ASMBS also provides guidelines for post-surgery diet and nutritional intake. This allows patients to maintain a healthy body while losing weight. There are side effects with bariatric surgeries that can make post-surgery life more difficult. However, with the help of ASMBS, patients can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable lifestyle.

ASMBS members include surgeons, bariatricians, dietitians, psychologists, nurses, and other medical practitioners specializing in obesity-related health problems.

Improvement of Bariatric Surgeries

Bariatric surgeries are currently the most effective solution for obesity and related health problems. Results are immediate and they can help improve the life expectancy of patients. Obesity is a serious health concern that is affecting a huge percentage of the total population, which continues to grow every year.

Obesity can also lead to other serious health concerns such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and liver disease. Obese people are more likely to develop these diseases and suffer from symptoms that can make life more difficult.

ASMBS provides training and support for medical practitioners, in an effort to tackle obesity and related health concerns. With bariatric surgeries, patients can lose weight and manage other related diseases as well. Through continuous research, ASMBS helped develop medical procedures that have very low mortality rate and increased effectiveness.

Nutritional Guideline for Post-Bariatric Patients

Bariatric patients may suffer from side effects that cause the body to absorb less nutrients. With this, they may develop deficiencies and other illnesses. That is why they are required to take multivitamins that contain higher doses of nutrients that normal people need. This ensures that patients are able to take the recommended daily intake.

Importance of Nutritional Guideline

American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery created the nutritional guideline to help bariatric patients have a healthier life after the surgery. Weight loss procedures have a lot of long-term side effects that can make life difficult for patients. Most patients are also always at risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Limiting the amount of food one can eat is equal to reducing the nutrients absorbed. The physical changes in the pathway of food also contribute to the risk of nutrient deficiencies. To prevent this, ASMBS requires patients to take bariatric multivitamins with the recommended amount every day.

The nutritional guideline helps ensure that all patients get the essential nutrients in their body so it could function well. This also helps improve the health of patients.

Recommended Daily Nutrient Intake for Post-Bariatric Patients

The nutritional guideline may vary from patient to patient. It is important to look into the patient’s medical history and other health concerns. Most of all, the type of weight loss surgery performed should be considered. Below is the recommended daily nutrient intake for post-bariatric patients.

Nutrient Recommended Daily Amount
Vitamin A Adjustable Gastric Band (AGB): 5,000 IU

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG):

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB): 5,000 – 10,000 IU

Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG): 5,000 – 10,000 IU

Duodenal Switch (DS): 10,000 IU

Vitamin D 3,000 – 6,000 IU Vitamin D3 daily


50,000 IU Vitamin D2 for 1-3 times weekly

Vitamin E AGB: 15 mg
Vitamin K AGB: 90-120 ug

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS): 300 ug

Thiamin (Vitamin B1) At least 12 mg
For patients at risk of deficiency: 50 – 100 mg
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) 350 – 500 ug Oral


1000 mcg/month Intramuscular Injection

Folate 400 – 800 mcg Oral

800 – 1,000 mcg Female within childbearing ages

Iron AGB: 18 mg

45 – 60 mg for female with menstruation and patients with history of anemia

Zinc AGB: 8 – 11 mg

RYGB: 8 – 11 mg to 16 – 22 mg

BPD/DS: 16 – 22 mg

Copper AGB: 1 mg

RYGB: 1 – 2 mg

BPD/DS: 2 mg

Calcium BPD/DS: 1,800 – 2,400 mg calcium

LAGB, SG, RYGB: 1,200 – 1,500 mg calcium

Factors Considered in Nutritional Guidelines

The nutritional guideline for bariatric patients is made to help them maintain a healthy and stable weight. This also prevents nutrient deficiencies that can develop into other health complications. To create this nutritional guideline, ASMBS did their research extensively in order to provide accurate information.

When looking for bariatric multivitamins, it is important to check these nutritional guidelines. You should determine your exact nutritional needs to prevent the development of deficiencies and other complications.

ASMBS considered various factors when creating this guideline. Not only did they take into account the type of surgery performed, they also narrowed down the recommended nutrient intake for various types of patients. Below are the factors that are considered in these nutritional guidelines.

  • Sex – The sex of patients should be considered when choosing a bariatric multivitamin. Since women who are menstruating are at risk of developing iron deficiency or anemia, they need supplements with high levels of iron. Pregnant women who had bariatric surgery before, are also advised to take more iron and avoid too much Vitamin A.
  • Age – Older bariatric patients are exposed to higher risk of developing long-term side effects, especially nutrient deficiencies. Aging can slow down the functions of the body including digesting and absorbing nutrients. They can also suffer from nutrient deficiency symptoms such as arthritis and memory loss.
  • Medical Conditions – Medical conditions should be considered when looking for bariatric multivitamins, especially if patients are taking medications. While bariatric multivitamin is safe to take, there is a risk of interaction between the supplement and medications. This is especially true since bariatric multivitamins have higher doses of vitamins compared to normal ones.
  • Type of Bariatric Surgery – There are different types of bariatric surgeries. Some are reversible, and there are those that are permanent. Each type of weight loss procedure also has different side effects that patients should consider before choosing. It is important to carefully choose a procedure that fits the patients best.

ASMBS Programs and Support Services

ASMBS ensures that patients have easy access to treatment for obesity-related health concerns. They established various programs that help medical professionals improve their practice. This, in turn, benefits the populace as it improves the treatment and care for obese patients.

As the leading organization for bariatric surgery, ASMBS also established several programs that can further improve management of obesity-related health problems. In 2012, ASMBS combined their accreditation program with American College of Surgeons (ACS) to create one unified national accreditation standard. The program is called Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program or MBSAQIP.

ASMBS also established the Certified Bariatric Nurse (CBN) Program where nurses where tested and evaluated on their ability to take care of patients who are obese and those who had bariatric surgeries. Most of all, this leading bariatric organization is an advocate of healthcare policy that aims to improve the access of patients to treatment and prevention of obesity and related diseases.

Choosing Bariatric Multivitamins

ASMBS requires patients to take bariatric multivitamin as it can help prevent nutrient deficiencies and other complications. However, patients should not choose just any other supplement. It is important to consider the various vitamins that the supplement contains and their dosage.

Some studies and papers published regarding nutrient deficiency side effects do not mention the recommended intake of nutrients. With the guideline from ASMBS, both medical practitioners and patients have knowledge about the nutrients and amount that bariatric patients need daily.

The nutritional guideline can help patients find the best supplement suitable for them. The recommended dosage also considers the diet of the patient so they should look for the specific amounts on their supplements. However, before taking just any type of multivitamin, it is still best to consult a doctor and dietician.

American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery does not only aim to reduce the cases of obesity. They are also looking into various ways that can improve the life expectancy of patients by helping manage obesity-related diseases. With their continuous development of treatments and care for patients, medical professionals can improve their practice. This does not only benefit the patients, but it can also help lower the mortality rate of obesity-related diseases all over the world.